About The Site

This site is a Fan Play around site for Big time rush. You can make stories,dialogs,and put up cool pics or drawings you made for Big Time Rush! You can explore the pages on this website or look at cool pics. I will put updates on what the guys are doing, and birthdays that are coming up. If you wanna send us stories you made up about the guys or send us pics then tell me or my co-owner. we will post anything good that makes the site sparkle! Have fun and explore, and tell other people about it too!
   - Destiny

I'm sorry about the lack of posting lately we have all been so busy but I will start posting again everyday I promise! I've added the newest things that's going on with the guys, so check it out! Just to clear it up the Big Time Rush tab is just about the guys not what they are doing now so keep that in mind! The "Updates" section is where you find out about what the guys are doing right now. Also please send us any Pictures, Videos, Backgrounds or fan fictions to the websites email address
---> [email protected]  Thanks! Also tell everyone you know about btrff.weebly.com!!
    - Madison